Information Security Certified

Certificate of Registration

ABN: 58 600 987 264

Wave Systems Pty Ltd - ABN: 81 079 380 199

Level 2, 9 Charles Street, WEST LAKES, SA, 5021, Australia
Strada Serghei Lazo 40 , CHISNAU, 2004, Moldova; Suite 644, 1 Queens Road, MELBOURNE, VIC, 3004, Australia

operates an

Information Security Management System

which complies with the requirements of:

ISO/IEC 27001:2022

The registration covers the design, development, implementation and maintenance of software products, solutions and associated services.

Statement of Applicability: Version: 2.1 Dated: 19/02/24

Registration No: AU1546-YC
  Original Certification: 6 June 2023
Current Certification Approval: 6 June 2023
  Expiry Date: 5 June 2026
Certificate Issued: 17 June 2024


Sean Bates
Accreditation Manager
TQCS International (Group) Pty Ltd

For the TQCSI Certification Approval Panel

This certificate verifies the original certificate issued and is valid as long as it is displayed as an electronic copy at and surveillance audits are satisfactorily completed. TQCS International Pty Ltd (ABN 59 065 953 924) of Quality House, 117A Tapleys Hill Road, Hendon, SA, 5014, Australia issues certification subject to the TQCSI Rules of Certification.